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Flow Cytometry

The Center for 生物 Flow Cytometry Core provides an analyzer and a cell sorter that allow scientists to analyze multiple characteristics of cells or particles and to sort them out to multiple forms of collection vessels for research purposes.

Our core lab personnel provides essential training for the analyzer to all users, while training for the cell sorter is offered only to users with previous experience. We also offer consultation and hands-on service on experimental design and data analysis.

Analyzer standard charge consits of a flat rate of $30/hour without core lab assistance and $50/hour with core lab assistance. For consultation the first half an hour is free.

Charge for sorting is $100/hour with core lab assistance and $60/hour without core lab assistance.

For more info regarding intruments and services contact the Core Facility Supervisor Dr. Yu (Ellen) Jing

MACSQuant 10

The 3-laser 8-color 2-scatter MACSQuant analyzer, manufactured by Miltenyi Biotec, comes along with automated sample loaders that expands users flexibility in sampling.

Macsquant analyzer





The 5-laser 12-color 3-scatter BD涌入 sorter is equipped with a small particle FSC detector and provide the state-of-the-art level of sorting service.

bd influx full



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